Tuesday, January 12, 2016

A New Year, A New App


The New Year brings a new app to your smartphone that everyone is talking about. Peach is a new social networking app that offers features similar to those of Facebook & Twitter.  Users can create profiles, obtain followers, private message, and update statuses.  Status updates, however, are limited to less complex posting guidelines comparable to Twitter’s character restriction.

Created by the same creator of Vine, Dom Hofmann, many are curious if Peach will have enough features to compete with the popular social media networks like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.  One notable feature of the new app is what creators are calling “magic words.”  These are words that generate functions. An example is using the word “here” to add your location to a post.  Currently, there are 20 active “magic words” supported by Peach. See them here.


At the moment, this app is not available on Android, and there is no web app or way to view posts publicly. As the app continues to grow we will keep you updated on significant changes.  Have you started using Peach? Let us know your thoughts by posting them on our Facebook wall.

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