Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Montage: Know Your Pet's Calorie's and Toxic Items

Solutions By Design

One of the widgets veterinarians use on a daily basis is the Calorie Counter. Pet obesity is a problem worldwide. How many calories should my pet consume each day? What does that equate to in the amount of food? Now you can calculate and get specific food recommendations in an instant.

This is a useful tool that is being used by pet parents at their veterinary office to determine how many calories their dog or cat should consume. Veterinarians have used this tool to educate their patients on the health of their pets as well.

The Toxins widget is similar in style to the Dog and Cat Breeds widget, which will allow your clients to dig in and learn more about the toxicity of plants, household items, food items, etc. Each display page is also supported by a text and email features, so any and all information can be sent home in a touch.
Solutions By Design

Montage lets you create the ultimate customer experience. Our interactive digital bulletin board provides a flexible and powerful solution for creating, managing, and deploying all of your digital communications. Deliver relevant, place-based messages to your internal audiences on Montage with targeted messaging and flexible and easy to maintain content.

Over 35 Veterinary specific widgets designed for your practice reception area and exam room.  

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