If your website is not a priority then you may be losing more potential customers than you realize. Potential customers may not even be seeing your business in the first place when they search for the service you provide online. Responsive Web Design (RWD) has become the standard in web designs, designed for a positive user-experience first when your website is being visited on a mobile phone, a tablet, a desktop or a Montage Board.
The reality is, the success of your website depends on how your potential customers will experience your website. There are various aspects and features a website must-have, regardless of what you are providing, all websites should have one thing in common, a responsive design.
What is RWD? Responsive Web Design (RWD) is a design technique that adjusts a website to fit a wide variety of devices. A responsive website looks good no matter whether you're looking at it on a phone, tablet, or desktop. It is important that your website adjusts to fit any device your customers may be on. Responsive sites have quickly become the single, most important external marketing tool available for your business. It is all about online communications that translate well across numerous platforms.
User Experience
Websites are constantly being visited by a variety of customers at any given time through various devices and screen sizes. Thinking of your consumer first, you can give the best possible user experience, turning them into actual customers. A mobile-friendly website is a byproduct of a responsive design, which gives your potential customers a better chance of exploring all that your website has to offer. Nothing is worse than having to spend time finding information across devices or information not being found at all.
For example, if a potential customer is searching for a certain type of information on your website, they may find it on a desktop at work. That same customer may return at a later time, searching for the same information on their mobile phone, only to not find it at all. Ensuring your website is consistent in design, information and user experience across all devices and screen sizes, you do not give customers a reason to abandon your site.

Future Proof Your Website
The digital world is always changing, and while trends come and go, there are digital features and practices that become the staple in web designs. In 2018 52.2% of all website traffic worldwide was generated by mobile phones. In our pockets, we have a wealth of information available to us through our devices, which means any information we want on a business or service is just a tap away.
The benefit a responsive website has is the best chance that your website will easily adapt to support new devices and screens, currently and in the future. As technology changes every day, and new devices are being released, a responsive website will be ready to adapt to those devices.
Search Engine Optimization
Responsive Web Designs are the standard and search engines such as Google, no doubt favor responsive websites when it comes to ranking for search engine optimization (SEO). If your users are not able to navigate your website, they will most likely not stick around and leave. Search engines recognize the ease of website navigation, helping rank your website higher than those with nonresponsive sites.
Page Loading Times is one of the main factors when it comes to SEO and rankings. Every website should be optimized to load as fast as possible and with a responsive design, your user's experience will be a more positive experience.
Bounce Rate is a ranking factor search engines such as Google pays attention to. The bounce rate is related to how much time someone spends on your site. How quickly do your visitors leave your website or return? Google pays attention to it all, using user behavior and determines rankings when it comes to entry and exit points for a website.
A responsive web design, elevates your business and its appearance greatly, allowing you to serve your customers first. Solutions by Design builds custom websites that are uniquely yours. Your website is an existential part of your business. We are one of the few firms that truly offer a unique combination of design, marketing, programming, search engine optimization, and social media services necessary to create effective and leading-edge websites. Contact us today!